Wednesday, March 18, 2015

Loc Retwist No gel

So here I am after going three months without twisting my hair (12-12-14). I re-twisted my hair yesterday using nothing but the water that was in my hair from washing it and oiled it with olive oil. The no gel thing will be apart of my new routine because I achieved the same results without it and it cuts down on twisting time, I don't have to reach down for gel, put it on the loc, and then twist. I'd say I finished my hair about 20 minutes earlier than normal. As you can see, I had lots of new growth and I love letting my hair get this thick before re-twisting it it just looks and feels better to me. After 2 years of locking, its no surprise that my locs would be trained & have a natural hold from being twisted so many times. Having a simple hair regimen just adds more appreciation to my hair, knowing its natural and I don't do much to it...such a plus. I'm not sure if I mentioned this already but I have 161 locs, I originally had 162 but I combined one with another because I felt like it was getting thin so now I have a two headed dragon as they like to call it. Stay tuned for more posts from yours truly (:


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

    1. @charina pinder thank you doll (: , it says I removed your comment but i didn't so excuse that

  2. Very beautiful! I just started my locks 10-29-16 and I can't wait until I see my results! I been watching youtube videos, google, everything! I did alot of reasearch
