Wednesday, March 6, 2013

Going Vegetarian

About 2 months ago I made the intention to become a vegan. Since then I've eaten poultry and seafood, no red meat though. But what I have realized is that when I eat meat now, it doesn't feel right, physically or mentally. I don't even know why I'm still consuming it. I guess I wanted to get it all out of my system before I make it official. Well its official! Starting today I will no longer eat the flesh of any animal, I just can't do it anymore. A lot of us wouldn't want to watch the process of an animal getting slaughtered, but we will go to the supermarket and purchase the meat, after its been nicely packaged. I believe that when people eat meat, they are taking in the animal's spirit and emotions which is fear, anger, depression, etc. I also think there would be a lot less violence in the world if people didn't eat meat. You know when people are "acting like animals"? 
Well maybe its because they're eating them....just a thought. If you are a person who is against animal cruelty, then you shouldn't want to eat them because to me you're supporting their torture and murdering. 
Like I said, I'm done. I can't eat another peace of chicken, fish, beef, whatever. Anything that has a heartbeat will not enter my mouth. I'm on a spiritual journey, and I know I can't raise my vibration if I'm still consuming flesh. So, I will no longer use my body as a burial site for dead meat. Today is the start of something new, a new life that is.

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